193 research outputs found

    Methylation of phenol over high-silica beta zeolite: effect of zeolite acidity and crystal size on catalyst behaviour

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    A systematic investigation was carried out to elucidate several aspects of the gas/solid methylation of phenol over high Si/Al ratio beta-structured zeolite in protonated form, characterised by various techniques, including XRD, SEM, BET, ICP, FTIR, TGA, microcalorimetry, and modeling by ab initio calculations. Data on the characteristics and the kinetic and mechanistic features of the catalytic reaction, as well as on catalyst deactivation, show that these zeolites, besides being very active for the present reaction, lead to cresols and anisole as primary products. As catalyst deactivation proceeds, the selectivity to cresols and anisole increases substantially, accompanied by a rapid decrease in selectivity to polyalkylated species. Medium- to low-strength silanols are the main contributors to catalyst surface acidity. High-strength Lewis acid sites either are virtually absent (especially when metal cations partially substitute for protons) or play a role essentially in catalyst deactivation. Stacking faults in the zeolite framework, generated by the intergrowth of at least two beta polymorphs, lead to an increased concentration of silanol-based Br\uf8nsted acid sites. Deactivation is due to the interaction of phenol and oxygenated products with the silanol-based acid sites and of methanol only with the strong acid sites of both Lewis and Br\uf8nsted nature. Self-oligomerisation\u2013cyclisation of methanol to olefins and aromatics, followed by further alkylation to aromatic C atoms, contributes to catalyst deactivation. At any conversion level and at any temperature, the anisole/cresol ratio is systematically lower for the larger-crystal size zeolite, because the secondary transformations of anisole to cresols by both intramolecular rearrangement and intermolecular alkylation of phenol is favoured by the longer residence time of anisole within the zeolite pores

    Radial Velocity Offsets Due to Mass Outflows and Extinction in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We present a study of the radial velocity offsets between narrow emission lines and host galaxy lines (stellar absorption and H I 21-cm emission) in Seyfert galaxies with observed redshifts less than 0.043. We find that 35% of the Seyferts in the sample show [O III] emission lines with blueshifts with respect to their host galaxies exceeding 50 km/s, whereas only 6% show redshifts this large, in qualitative agreement with most previous studies. We also find that a greater percentage of Seyfert 1 galaxies show blueshifts than Seyfert 2 galaxies. Using HST/STIS spatially-resolved spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 and the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151, we generate geometric models of their narrow-line regions (NLRs) and inner galactic disks, and show how these models can explain the blueshifted [O III] emission lines in collapsed STIS spectra of these two Seyferts. We conclude that the combination of mass outflow of ionized gas in the NLR and extinction by dust in the inner disk (primarily in the form of dust spirals) is primarily responsible for the velocity offsets in Seyfert galaxies. More exotic explanations are not needed. We discuss the implications of this result for the velocity offsets found in higher redshift AGN.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Planar Detonation Wave Initiation in Large-Aspect-Ratio Channels

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    Risk of thyroid as a first or second primary cancer. A population-based study in Italy, 1998–2012

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    Background: The number of patients living after a cancer diagnosis is increasing, especially after thyroid cancer (TC). This study aims at evaluating both the risk of a second primary cancer (SPC) in TC patients and the risk of TC as a SPC. Methods: We analyzed two population-based cohorts of individuals with TC or other neoplasms diagnosed between 1998 and 2012, in 28 Italian areas covered by population-based cancer registries. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) of SPC were stratified by sex, age, and time since first cancer. Results: A total of 38,535 TC patients and 1,329,624 patients with other primary cancers were included. The overall SIR was 1.16 (95% CI: 1.12–1.21) for SPC in TC patients, though no increase was shown for people with follicular (1.06) and medullary (0.95) TC. SPC with significantly increased SIRs was bone/soft tissue (2.0), breast (1.2), prostate (1.4), kidney (2.2), and hemolymphopoietic (1.4) cancers. The overall SIR for TC as a SPC was 1.49 (95% CI: 1.42–1.55), similar for all TC subtypes, and it was significantly increased for people diagnosed with head and neck (2.1), colon–rectum (1.4), lung (1.8), melanoma (2.0), bone/soft tissue (2.8), breast (1.3), corpus uteri (1.4), prostate (1.5), kidney (3.2), central nervous system (2.3), and hemolymphopoietic (1.8) cancers. Conclusions: The increased risk of TC after many other neoplasms and of few SPC after TC questions the best way to follow-up cancer patients, avoiding overdiagnosis and overtreatment for TC and, possibly, for other malignancies

    Why has not it worked? An empirical application of the extended Burns and Scapens' framework within the implementation of a controlling department

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to understand the implementation of a controlling department within Bogt and Scapens' framework (2014) as an empirical observation mechanism towards investigating rationalities that prevented its implementation. This study was conducted in a quite successful 63-year old company in the South of Brazil. We hope these results promote practical insight to those interested in supporting changes within this field of organizational environment. There had been two main reasons leading to such work: a lack of equivalent study in the scholarly literature as well as empirical application of Burns and Scapens' framework (2000) reorganized by Bogt and Scapens (2014). Bogt and Scapens (2014), inspired by different logics (Bogt & Scapens, 2012) and in order to revaluate their original framework (2000), suggest the introduction of a fairly important term: rationality. This new element shows the deliberate action from the organizational player - his/her way of thinking. However, even with the introduction of rationales within the model by Bogt and Scapens (2014), rules and routines remain as important elements so that actions take shape. Used methodology consists of an interpretational case study with document analysis, direct observation, and application of semi-structured interviews. Through the interviews and discussions with individuals involved in the study, it can be observed that some rationality resulted in conflicts. Different rationales and the culture of the individual and the organization are relevant aspects observed in the speeches analyzed; all may be factors, which led to the gap within the process of implementation of controlling department in the organization. In addition, time factors suggested in the extended Bogt and Scapens' (2014) framework is of utmost importance for changes must occur gradually

    Incidence trends of colorectal cancer in the early 2000s in Italy. Figures from the IMPATTO study on colorectal cancer screening

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    We utilised the IMPATTO study's archives to describe the 2000-2008 colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence rate trends in Italy, once screening programmes based on the faecal immunochemical test were implemented in different areas. Data on CRCs diagnosed in Italy from 2000 to 2008 in subjects aged 40-79 years were collected by 23 cancer registries. Incidence rate trends were evaluated as a whole and by macro-area (North-Centre and South-Islands), presence of a screening programme, sex, ten-year age class, anatomic site, stage at diagnosis, and pattern of diagnosis (screen-detected, non-screen-detected). The annual percent change (APC) of incidence rate trends, with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), were computed. The study included 46,857 CRCs diagnosed in subjects aged 40-79 years, of which 2,806 were screendetected. The incidence rates in the North-Centre were higher than in the South and on the Islands. During the study period, screening programmes had been implemented only in the North-Centre and had a significant effect on incidence rates, with an initial sharp increase in incidence, followed by a decrease that started in the 3rd-4th years of screening. These incidence rate trends were exclusively due to modifications in the rates of stage I cases. After screening programmes started, incidence increased in all anatomic sites, particularly in the distal colon. The differential figures introduced by the implementation of screening programmes warrant a continuous surveillance of CRC incidence and mortality trends to monitor the impact of screening at a national level

    The multiplicity of performance management systems:Heterogeneity in multinational corporations and management sense-making

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    This field study examines the workings of multiple performance measurement systems (PMSs) used within and between a division and Headquarters (HQ) of a large European corporation. We explore how multiple PMSs arose within the multinational corporation. We first provide a first‐order analysis which explains how managers make sense of the multiplicity and show how an organization's PMSs may be subject to competing processes for control that result in varied systems, all seemingly functioning, but with different rationales and effects. We then provide a second‐order analysis based on a sense‐making perspective that highlights the importance of retrospective understandings of the organization's history and the importance of various legitimacy expectations to different parts of the multinational. Finally, we emphasize the role of social skill in sense‐making that enables the persistence of multiple systems and the absence of overt tensions and conflict within organizations
